Later this month I will spend nearly a week in Gettysburg.
I’ve been there many times before, but the battlefield is so vast and the
battle was so long that there is always something new to see and learn there.

I’ll make four points now and reserve the right to make more later:
1. Guelzo does a solid job of integrating the
experience of African-Americans into his history.
Of course, they were part of that history, but they have often been absent from
its telling, or nearly so.
I did not know before reading Guelzo that
when Robert E. Lee’s army sacked Chambersburg, Pa., as its invasion began,
Confederate soldiers took the time to seek out, capture and enslave free black
people. The black population of Gettysburg expected no less, and many of them
fled before the arrival of the enemy.
Guelzo also does an interesting analysis of
the role slaves played in the relative strengths of the contending armies.
Confederate regiments had used slaves from the war’s outset to perform menial
tasks which, in Union regiments, were assigned to white soldiers. By the
estimate of one observer, 20-30 slaves traveled with each rebel regiment.
Guelzo figures that contrary to Confederate lore, Meade’s army at Gettysburg
may well have had fewer “effectives” (soldiers shouldering arms) than Lee’s.
2. Guelzo's curiosity about the nuts and bolts of Civil
War armies pays big dividends. Want to know the role of skirmishers and how they were supposed to
space themselves? Want to understand proper technique for cavalry or the
specifics of artillery ordnance? Guelzo pauses often in his otherwise brisk narrative to ponder and answer
such questions.
3. Guelzo understands and elaborates on the
political differences and personal history that caused so many bruised egos (and questionable decisions) during the war and during the battle. Politics played a huge role in the
trust, or lack of trust, among general officers, and Guelzo explores the leanings and grudges of all the important ones at Gettysburg.
4. Guelzo takes on the big controversies that
surround Gettysburg to this day and offers not only his best judgment but the
documentary evidence behind it.
For example, he carefully debunks the
postwar claim by Lee worshipers that Gen. James Longstreet was to blame for
the defeat at Gettysburg. This claim rests on the assertion that although Lee wanted
Longstreet to attack at dawn on July 2, Longstreet dallied, giving Meade’s
army time to increase its numbers and shore up its position. Guelzo finds nothing in the contemporary record to substantiate this assertion. While refuting the smirch on Longstreet's reputation, he does not let Longstreet entirely off the hook, calling him out for exaggerating the facts in his own defense after the war.
On this and other controversies, you may buy Guelzo’s
argument or not, but if you disagree, you had better bring evidence and not
just passion to the debate.
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