On Jan. 2, 1863, Pierce was in Andover, Mass., at the home
of his wife Jane’s sister. Jane was sickly and often stayed there. The
proclamation had taken effect the previous day. Pierce took pen in hand to
write to John H. George, his political pal back home in Concord, N.H.
When I found this letter to George in Pierce’s papers at the
New Hampshire Historical Society, I was excited to see such candor from the
ex-president, even though his opinions seemed intended only for George’s eyes.
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Pierce took a harsh view of Lincoln's proclamation |
But something about the words and phrases seemed familiar to
me. During earlier research, I had copied many articles expressing the
editorial views of New Hampshire newspapers about the proclamation. The
Democratic New Hampshire Patriot
loathed Lincoln and attacked the proclamation without quarter; Republican
papers either favored it or, fearing its unpopularity in their closely divided
state, kept mum about it.
After finding the Pierce letter, I went back to these
articles, and great was my reward. There, in the Patriot of Jan. 7, 1863, under the headline “Emancipation
Proclamation,” was Pierce’s letter. It was unsigned, and I originally took it to
be the editorial position of the Patriot.
But now I knew who the author was.
So Pierce found a way to have his cake and eat it, too – to
have his say while appearing to keep the respectful silence about public policy
that is traditionally the duty of an ex-president. Later in 1863, he became so
incensed with Lincoln’s presidency and the conduct of the war that he spoke out
openly. For the moment, however, he was content to ghostwrite his opinion.
Here is the heart of the letter and subsequent Patriot story:
“The last proclamation of the President caps the climax of
folly and wickedness. No ingenuous man can say hereafter – ‘If the
administration means this’ – ‘if the administration contemplates that.’ The
demands of civilization, the most obvious dictates of humanity, honor and
common honesty, to say nothing of patriotism, commands the withdrawal of
support promptly and irrevocably.
“We know what Mr. Lincoln means, so far as he can be said to
have a meaning of his own – We know what Mr. Sumner & the whole band of
abolitionists throughout the land mean and Mr. Lincoln has been and is to what
his limited ability and narrow intelligence [allow] their willing instrument
for all the woe which has thus far been brought upon the country and for all
the degradation, all the atrocity, all the dessolation and ruin which is only
too palpably before us.
“It is not that the Constitution, which the abolitionists have
for twenty years & more denounced as ‘a covenant with death & a league
with Hell,’ is now at the bidding of that party, deliberately violated &
defied by the national executive sworn to maintain it. It is not that the
people have been made to contribute to the overthrow of institutions which from
childhood they have respected & revered by being taxed presently &
prospectively to an extent hitherto unknown. It is not that five hundred
thousand men have been induced to take their places in the ranks of the Army
under false pretences of a purpose solely to uphold the Constitution and
preserve the Union and that one hundred thousand of them at least have poured
out their life & blood for the consummation of an object to which they
never did give & never could have given their approbation.
“All this would have been sufficiently replete with a degree
of wrong, disgrace & honor which admits of no expression. But what will the
world say of a proclamation, emanating from the President of the United States,
not only in defiance of the fundamental law of the Country for the upholding of
which he ought to have been willing to pour his own blood, but in defiance of
all law human & Divine which invites the black race in six entire states
and parts of parts of several others to use and with all the barbaric features
which must be inseparable from a successful servile insurrection to slay &
devastate without regard to age or sex, without any condition of restraint
except that the homes smouldering in ashes shall be the homes of the
descendants of men whose fathers fought with our fathers the battles of the
Revolution, and whose fathers with our fathers formed & adopted the
Constitution now scoffed & defied; yes, and one other, that the women and
children brutally violated & slaughtered shall be white women & children.
“What will the civilized world say when they read these
words sent forth by the President of the United States and countersigned by the
Secy of State! They will say, and the bitter thing is that they will say
justly, that a crime so fearful as that proposed was never before contemplated
by any nation, civilized or barbarous.
“If it be not too late for the people of the United States
to utter a voice which shall terrify duplicity and overcome fanaticism – if it
be too late to rescue the Republic from ruin financially & politically – is
it too late to stay the restless march of barbarism, to save such remnants of
honor as may warrant as to claim & deserve a place among the civilized
peoples of the earth.
“But I will say [no] more now. My heart is sick of the