Thursday, December 25, 2014

New York haiku, Vol. 6

Laura and Yuri, in our NYC apartment, before a night on the town.
Here’s another batch of New York haiku. One is the latest in a series about people we’ve met in the city. Others came from a tour of the Natural History Museum during a recent visit from our son Yuri and daughter-in-law Laura.

By the way, Monique and I walked to a late service last night at St. Michael's Church, a hidden gem on Amsterdam Avenue. On the way we noticed that Christmas trees on the sidewalks of Broadway were on sale at $19.99. Just days ago they ran $100-$200.

Merry Christmas!

In dino haiku
strothiosaurus altus
devours syllables.

Wine sale dilemma:
‘This one’s three bucks!’ ‘Imagine
what it must taste like.’

Ripped from Earth toward
gravity’s pull, the moon left
an ocean to fill.

Or, debris roved space
till Earth sucked it into orbit
many moons ago.

Herb’s gift to us is
spicy soup, hawked in basso
till spoon scrapes bottom.

Stuffed animals
glassed into idyllic nature
still draw brief glances.

Buffalo behind glass at New York's Natural History Museum.

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