I learned about the brothers from Deanna Lussier, who
attended one of my Our War talks. She approached after I had spoken and told me her ancestors’ letters had come down to her. She loved reading them and knew their writers had fought Indians in
Minnesota but wanted to know more. Deanna graciously lent me the letters, and I
looked into the story.
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Little Crow led the Dakota Uprising of 1862. |
“You must go to school as much as you can for when you are
of age & away by your self you will see the kneed of all the learning you
can get. I can see where I missed by not goin to school all I could when I was
at home & therefore I advise you to improve evry leisure moment in study
for the future.”
By then, one Collins brother, Anthony, had been killed during the
Dakota Uprising. U.S. Indian agents had broken treaties with the Sioux, taking land and causing hunger and want. Bands of Dakota Sioux under Little Crow rebelled. They terrorized white settlers in Minnesota Territory, killing, raping and kidnapping. The Third Minnesota infantry regiment, which the Collins brothers had
joined, was among the units ordered to quell the uprising. Private Anthony Collins
was scalped and beheaded on Sept. 23, 1862, at Wood Lake, the battle that decided
the outcome of the uprising in favor of the Union troops.
Three months later the government hanged 38 Sioux together on a
single scaffold. Little Crow was killed in 1863, and white settlers mutilated
his body. In one Minnesota town they dragged it through the street as firecrackers exploded in the corpse’s ears. Little Crow's scalp, skull and bones became prized relics.
Deanna Lussier’s family letters do not mention Anthony’s
death or say much about the Sioux. “I wish I were in the south instead of
here in Indian country and then I would be in the land of white folks instead
of savages,” Dexter wrote Joseph.
My correspondence with Deanna has led her to
investigate the Dakota Uprising and its causes. I have provided her with a few
sources, but she has gone deeper than I have.
I did discover one terrific contemporary source: the Saint Paul Daily Press of Oct. 3, 1862. The
paper carried three articles about the Wood Lake battle during which Anthony
Collins died. Two of them mentioned him.
The paper is available online, but because the reading will
be easier, I took the trouble to transcribe the stories and copy text versions below. The
first was written by a lieutenant, A.J. Ebell, who later wrote a long
illustrated article about the uprising for Harper’s.
The author of the second story was Stephen R. Riggs, who served as chaplain for the
Minnesota troops and presided over Collins’s burial. The third account comprises
dispatches from Col. Henry Hastings Sibley, who led the fight against the
Here they are:
March of Col. Sibley
from Fort Ridgley to Yellow Medicine, and Battle of Wood Lake
On Thursday and Friday the forces were all got across the
Minnesota and camped Friday night, Sept. 19th, by Lone-tree lake, some five
miles from the Fort. The train was again in motion early next morning. We
encamped for the night opposite the Lower Agency, within sight of the ruins of
the government warehouses. Rev. Mr. Williamson’s church, together with all the
wooden buildings in and around the Agency, had been completely demolished. A
party of scouts found the remains of Philander Prescott, the Indian
interpreter, a few miles below the Agency, and having covered it with earth
where it lay, stuck a slip of paper with his name on it on his grave. Next
morning we resumed our march before the sun was an hour high.
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Hazelwood Mission, Pastor Riggs's station, in 1860. |
As we approached Red Wood river we were somewhat
apprehensive of an attack in the ravine through which the road runs, and a
number of us were sent forward as scouts. We saw several Indians, and, being
considerably in advance of the main body, commenced satisfying our curiosity by
visiting several Indian houses. Other Day had hitched his horse to a bush a
little distance off, and was in one of the houses with several others, when he
had his attention drawn out by the galloping up of a loose horse that had been
left by another of the party, and hastened out just in time to see an Indian
riding off at full speed. He fired at him and came back greatly chagrined – his
eyes flashing, and vowing to be avenged at the first opportunity.
We crossed the river and rode on to Reynolds’ house, which
we found in ruins. We marched on and encamped for the night by Rice Creek, over
which the Indians had taken the precaution to burn the bridge; but the pioneers
soon repaired it, so that it but little impeded our march.
A few rods from the road we found the remains of George
Gleason – merely his skeleton, completely dried, his skull broken quite in with
a large stone, all his clothes taken away except his drawers and shirt; around
him scattered we found fragments of dispatches he was carrying to the Lower
Agency – Sioux receipts of Major Galbraith, private and accounts and letters.
We covered him where he lay with earth. He had started from the Upper Agency
about 3 P.M., August 18th, with Dr. Wakefield’s family, in a carriage, and
killed, and the Doctor’s family taken hostage. [Note: Col. Sibley’s Sept. 27 list of
white people retrieved from Camp Release includes “Mrs. Dr. Wakefield and two
children, James and Nellie, of Yellow Medicine.”]
The next night (Monday 22nd) we encamped on the shore of
Wood Lake, just this side of the Three Mile Creek, over which they had
effectually burned the bridge – in sight of the Yellow Medicine. Through the
day we saw numbers of Indians riding round and reconnoitering, but out of reach
of our guns.
As we were at breakfast next morning, we heard and alarm
that the Indians had fallen on a foraging party after wood. The Renville
Rangers, under Lieut. Gorman, were sent out for their support. In a few moments
the tops of surrounding knolls were covered with Indians, on horse and foot,
apparently trying to circumvent our camp. The 3d regiment followed in the
direction of the Renville Rangers, who, supposing that they were to be
supported, pushed on near a mile in advance, but the Third having been ordered
off to the left, they were nearly surrounded and scarcely effected a retreat.
The artillery kept the opposite shore of the Lake clear.
Two companies of the Sixth had a skirmish on the left, and
the Seventh regiment under Col. Marshall made a charge into the ravine on our
right, and drove the Indians from shelter there. Other Day pushed on in front
of our lines, shot three Indians, and brought back two ponies into our lines –
more than squaring up his account at Red Wood river. Our men surrounded him,
and escorted him with shouts into camp. He proved himself a man of indomitable
courage. He went right in among the Indians, and exposed himself to fire from
both sides – several of our men mistaking him for an enemy, fired at him
several times.
The Indians were apparently under poor management. Little
Crow is falling into disrepute, and will find his power among them greatly
diminished. He was seen in the distance, on a black horse, with a spy-glass in
his hand. His brother is said to have come to the opposite shore of the Lake
last night and counted our tents, and making them but fifty-eight, estimated
our numbers to be about three hundred. Little Crow then intended to attack us
during the night, but the upper Indians are said to have prevented it, telling
him he had boasted he could whip the white men, and now must meet them by open
day and prove it.
About 12 o'clock the firing ceased, and there was some
communication between the Indians and our lines under a flag of truce. The
ambulance wagons brought in nineteen dead Indians – and no doubt numbers more
might be concealed in the grass and in the creek. Several were found wounded in
the water, completely submerged, except their nose and mouth. Those of the
Third Regiment, Richard McElroy and Anthony C. Collins, were found with their
heads cut off and scalped and their bodies most shockingly mutilated. A fine
precursor for a flag of truce, one of which Joe Campbell brought in, and among
other things, reported that on the 18th, when the Third regiment and the
Seventh were encamped at Lone Tree lake, before the remainder of the force had
crossed over from the Fort, they were seen by a party of 200 Indians on their
way to attack New Ulm. They had intended to fall on the Third and Seventh
regiments during the night, and cut them off but were dissuaded by a few who
proposed attacking them at Red Wood Crossing, where they would have us at much
better advantage. But, there seeing that reinforcements had arrived were led
again to desist from attacking us.
Their intentions were to wait until we were in the ravine
crossing the Medicine River, and then make a small attack in front, enough to
draw our forces on, and, at the signal of the raising of a blanket, those ambushed around in the grass were to leap
upon the baggage wagons and shoot the drivers and horses. So confident were
they of the success of this plan, concocted by Little Crow, that they brought
their wagons and women to the opposite side of the river to take care of the plunder, expecting to make a clean sweep of us. The
captives and their camps are still at Red Iron’s village, 18 miles above Yellow
Medicine, above which the upper Indians will not let them go, but compel them
to stay there and fight us; and if to-day we had been defeated, they would all
have joined in with them. But we can congratulate ourselves that we have won a
complete victory over them.
Joe Campbell reports their killed as at least 30, and a
large number wounded, among' whom were Mar-we-ma-nee and Blue Earth, who have
since died. Little Buffalo, a chief of one of the upper tribes sent word to
Col. Sibley, that if he would not exterminate the lower tribe he would.
Our dead – four in all – were buried this afternoon with the
honors of war, and funeral services by Mr. Riggs, the Chaplain of the
A.J. Ebell
Letter from Rev. S.R.
Camp Wood Lake
Tuesday Sept. 23, 1862
Editors of the Press:
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Stephen R. Riggs, chaplain. |
In the battle the Indians met with a very serious repulse.
We have gathered up and buried fourteen of their dead. We have taken one
wounded man prisoner, who will probably die to-night. There are others dead
that have not been found; some they have carried away. We are informed by flags
of truce that they count about thirty missing, beside a great number wounded.
I trust this war will soon be brought to a close in some
way, by punishing the guilty and rescuing the innocent.
Yours truly,
S.R. Riggs
The War with the Indians: Col. Sibley's Dispatches.
Camp Release, opposite the mouth of the Chippewa River,
Sept. 27, 1862.
Maj.-Gen. Pope:
Yesterday I came to this point with my command, having been
met by several half-breeds with a flag of truce. I encamped within five hundred
yards of a large camp of about one hundred and fifty lodges of friendly Indians
and half-breeds, who had separated themselves from Little Crow and the miserable
crew with him, and had secured from them most of the white captives, awaiting
my arrival.
About 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I paid a formal visit to the camp, attended by the members of my Staff and the commanding officers of corps, with two companies of infantry as an escort.
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Sibley led the expedition against the Sioux. |
After speeches, in which they severely condemned the war
party, and denied any participation in their proceedings, and gave me assurance
that they would not have dared to come and shake my hand, if their own was
stained with the blood of the whites, they assembled the captive women and
children, and formally delivered them up to me, to the number of ninety-one
pure whites – when taking the names of
such as had been instrumental in obtaining the release of the prisoners from
the hostile Indians, and telling the principal men I would hold another council
with them to-day, I conducted the poor captives to my camp, where I had
prepared tents for their accommodation.
There were some instances of stolidity among them, but for the most part the poor creatures, relieved of the horrible suspense in which they have been kept, and some of the younger women freed from the loathsome attentions to which they have been subjected by their brutal captors, were fairly overwhelmed with joy. I am doing the best I can for them, and will send them down Tuesday, together with a large number of half-breeds who have been also kept in restraint here. The first mentioned are pure white women and children, two or three of the latter being very small orphans, all their relations having being killed. A list of them will accompany this communication.
After the disastrous result to himself and the bands associated with him, at the battle of Wood Lake, the half-breeds report, that falling back to this point, they hastily struck their tents and commenced retreating in great terror.
I have issued an order, appointing a Military Commission, consisting of two field officers and the senior Captain of the Sixth Regiment, (Col. CROOKS, Lieut. Col. MARSHALL and Capt. GRANT,) for the examination of all the men, half-breeds, as well as Indians, in the camp near us, with instructions to sift the antecedents of each, so that if there are guilty parties among them they can be arrested and properly dealt with. I have no doubt we shall find some such in the number. I will report the result in due time. I have a wounded prisoner in my camp.
The number of half-breeds who were retained by the hostile Indians as prisoners, and now under my protection, will considerably exceed one hundred, but the exact number cannot now be given.
I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
H.H. SIBLEY, Colonel Commanding.
Camp Release, near Lac Qui Parle
Sept. 28, 1862
GENERAL: I have the honor to refer to my dispatch of yesterday for a detail of my military operations in this quarter. I have apprehended sixteen Indians in the friendly camp adjoining, who are suspected of being participators in the late outrages, and I have appointed a Military Commission of five officers to try them. I inclose a copy of the order directing it. If found guilty they will be immediately executed, although I am somewhat in doubt whether my authority extends quite so far. An example is, however, imperatively necessary, and I trust you will approve the act, should it happen that some real enemies have been seized and promptly disposed of.
I have information, apparently reliable, that LITTLE CROW and his adherents are at Big Stone Lake, sixty-five miles above this, where it is supposed he will be stopped by STANDING BUFFALO's Sissiton band of Sioux, as I have held a correspondence with the Chief, who desires to remain on friendly terms with our Government.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
H.H. SIBLEY, Col.-Commanding.